Learning how to replace a toilet can seem like a daunting task.

You might be thinking, “I’m not a plumber. How am I supposed to do this?” But here’s the thing…

Replacing your own toilet is not as complicated as it seems. With the right resources and some guidance, replacing a toilet is within your reach—saving you hundreds of dollars in plumbing fees!

In fact, knowing how to replace a toilet yourself could save you hundreds of dollars in plumbing fees!

Table Of Contents:

Understanding the Need for Toilet Replacement

The necessity to replace a toilet can stem from various scenarios. The regular use of a toilet can cause it to become worn out, resulting in decreased performance such as frequent clogs or slow flushing. A worn-out toilet may not function as efficiently as it once did, leading to issues such as frequent clogs or slow flushing.

Besides wear and tear, cracks in the porcelain of your household toilets are another reason you might consider a replacement. Cracks could lead to leaks that waste water and increase utility bills over time – something no homeowner wants.

An additional issue with older models is constant running water even when not in use – known colloquially as a running toilet. This problem usually stems from internal components like flappers or fill valves, but sometimes replacing these parts isn’t enough; an entire unit replacement becomes necessary.

Toilet Technology Advancements: A Reason for Upgrade?

In recent years, advancements have been made in toilet technology, making newer models more efficient than their predecessors. These high-efficiency toilets utilize less water per flush while maintaining strong performance levels – offering both eco-friendly and cost-effective options for homeowners looking at long-term savings.

Apart from efficiency improvements, modern units also come equipped with features designed for comfort and convenience, such as heated seats, automatic lids/covers, bidets (for paperless cleaning), and nightlights, among others, depending upon the model and brand selected by the homeowner. All this makes them appealing upgrades if you’re considering bathroom repair or renovation projects soon.

The Impact of Upgrading Your Toilet

Your choice of bathroom fixture doesn’t just affect functionality; it impacts overall aesthetics too. An outdated unit can negatively impact the look and feel of your space, especially if selling the house anytime soon. Potential buyers often scrutinize bathrooms closely during property visits, hence having good condition modern-looking fixtures could potentially add value to the asking price considerably, thereby fetching better returns on investment post-sale. So think about what upgrading means beyond mere practicality before deciding whether to invest in new state-of-the-art household toilets today.

Key Takeaway: 



Replacing your old, worn-out toilet can not only resolve issues like frequent clogs and leaks but also provide an opportunity to upgrade to a more efficient model. Modern toilets offer eco-friendly flushing systems, comfort features, and sleek designs that could boost your home’s aesthetics and value.

The Lifespan of Household Toilets

When you think about the lifespan of a good toilet, it’s not just about its physical structure. It also depends on internal components and how well they’re maintained.

A porcelain bowl that is well taken care of can last indefinitely without any major issues. However, parts like the flapper or floater may wear out over time and need replacement to prevent problems such as a running toilet.

Toilet Maintenance: Key Components That Might Need Replacement Over Time

Your household toilets could serve you for many years if properly cared for. But this doesn’t mean simply cleaning them regularly; certain key elements require attention more frequently than others.

Take the flapper, for instance – an integral part of controlling water flow into your bowl after each flush. If damaged or worn thin with use, it won’t seal correctly, leading to constant leakage – often referred to as a ‘running’ toilet issue.

In addition to replacing worn-out parts when necessary rather than waiting until they fail completely, it will significantly extend your bathroom fixture’s life expectancy. Here are a few tips to help maintain longevity:

  • Regularly check all moving parts inside the cistern, ensuring they’re functioning correctly. Replace them immediately upon noticing any sign of deterioration.
  • Clean mineral deposits build up regularly to prevent corrosion damage.

Shopping for Your New Toilet

The quest to find the perfect toilet involves more than just personal preference. Journeying to find the perfect toilet necessitates taking into account both practical considerations such as cost and area, in addition to understanding what is available in today’s market.

You’ll discover toilets ranging from traditional two-piece designs to modern one-piece models equipped with advanced features like dual-flush systems or paperless cleaning technology. The price spectrum is broad too – you can pick up basic models starting at around $100 while premium options could set you back thousands depending on the quality of their internal components.

Smaller Toilets vs One-Piece Toilets

Your bathroom size plays a pivotal role when deciding between smaller toilets and one-piece units. Compact bathrooms may benefit from corner or compact toilet styles that occupy less floor area compared to standard ones.

In contrast, one-piece toilets present simplicity both in terms of design and installation since they come without any separate tank needing assembly onto the bowl part. They’re often easier to clean due to their lack of crevices where dirt could accumulate, making them an ideal choice if hygiene and ease of maintenance rank high among your priorities.

Preparing for DIY Toilet Installation

Necessary Tools & Supplies

  • An adjustable wrench: This tool will help you remove old nuts and bolts during the disassembly phase and later secure new ones in place during the reinstallation step.
  • New wax ring and closet flange: These items are typically included in boxed new toilets and serve to create a watertight seal between the floor drain pipe, preventing leaks and odors from escaping into the bathroom.
  • Sponge and bucket: Use these to clean off residual water once the old unit is removed, readying the area for a fresh installation.

Key Takeaway: 


Finding the perfect toilet isn’t just about preference, but also practical considerations like space and cost. Whether you’re eyeing a traditional two-piece or a modern one-piece with advanced features, remember that your bathroom size matters. For DIY installation, arm yourself with an adjustable wrench, new wax ring, and closet flange, plus a sponge and bucket for cleanup.

Preparing for DIY Toilet Installation

The idea of a DIY plumbing job, such as toilet installation, can seem intimidating. However, with the right tools and some basic knowledge about your home’s plumbing system, it becomes an achievable task. Not only does this save you from professional plumber fees, but it also offers valuable insight into how household toilets function.

Necessary Tools and Supplies

To embark on this journey of replacing your old toilet bowl with a new one-piece toilet or smaller toilet depending on your preference and space requirements, there are certain essential supplies that need to be gathered first. An adjustable wrench is indispensable when dealing with bolts during the removal of the existing unit or securing the replacement in place.

In addition to these physical tools, having mental readiness coupled with patience will ensure smooth sailing through any unexpected issues like running water while disassembling parts.

Handling Weight Considerations

An average toilet weighs between 60-120 pounds, which poses challenges, especially when maneuvering within confined spaces typical in bathrooms. Therefore, planning ahead by arranging assistance if possible makes handling weighty components safer and easier, thus reducing the risk of associated injuries due to mishandling heavy objects. A guide by B&L Plumbing suggests using soft materials underneath items being moved around the bathroom floor, protecting both surfaces from potential damage caused by accidental drops, scratches, etc.

If solo operation seems unavoidable, consider breaking down the process into manageable stages – remove the tank from the bowl prior to lifting each separately, thereby reducing the individual load and making the entire procedure more feasible single-handedly, even though it may take slightly longer overall than expected initially.

Step-by-Step Guide to Replacing Your Toilet

Replacing a toilet can appear intimidating, but with the proper direction and equipment, it is actually quite straightforward. Here are the steps you can follow to replace your toilet successfully.

Inspecting and Replacing Flange

The first step is inspecting the closet flange – this crucial component connects your toilet bowl securely to the drain pipe beneath. If upon inspection you find any cracks or damage in the closet flange, then a replacement will be necessary before proceeding further with the installation process.

Finding suitable replacement parts for damaged components might feel overwhelming initially; however, following the manufacturer’s instructions based on the size and type of the existing setup makes things easier. Remember that professional plumbers are always there if needed.

Laying Down Wax Ring & Flange Gently

Cleaning off the residue from the previous wax ring is the next step, after which gently lay down the new wax ring where the old one was removed, ensuring a secure seal when placing the new bowl onto the flange.

This might seem like a straightforward task, but care must be taken not to apply too much pressure while installing the wax ring as it could get damaged easily, leading to leaks later on. So make sure to follow the guidelines provided by the manufacturer closely here.

Professional Help for Toilet Installation

For those short on time or unable to perform the installation themselves, a professional plumber can provide an invaluable service for toilet installation and repair. Reasons like lack of time or physical incapability can lead homeowners to seek the help of a professional plumber when replacing a toilet.

A skilled plumber brings a wealth of experience and specialized knowledge to your bathroom repair project. They’re adept at identifying potential issues that might go unnoticed by an untrained eye, making sure all aspects are handled efficiently from inspecting existing plumbing conditions to recommending suitable replacement parts based on the manufacturer’s instructions.

The Role of a Professional Plumber

An experienced plumber starts by conducting an in-depth inspection of your current toilet setup and overall plumbing system. This is essential because it helps uncover any underlying problems that need immediate attention before installing the new toilet bowl.

Besides providing expert advice on choosing between smaller toilets or one-piece toilets depending upon space requirements, they also help determine if there’s any need for upgrades in other related areas like pipes or valves, which will affect how well your new toilet functions over its lifespan.

Hiring professionals ensures you receive top-notch service right from the initial consultation through the final installation process, ensuring peace of mind during the entire procedure without having to worry about anything going wrong later down the line due to missed steps in a DIY approach.

Hassle-Free Installation with Professionals

The major advantage of hiring professionals lies in their efficiency – performing installations swiftly without compromising quality standards. Considering the average toilet weighs anywhere between 60-120 pounds, lifting and placing it onto the closet flange gently requires strength and precision, something seasoned plumbers excel at, thus reducing the risk of damage or injury during the process.

In addition, plumbers handle the disposal of the old unit, leaving the area clean and tidy post-installation so you don’t have to deal with the mess afterward. They also provide necessary guidance and maintenance tips to prolong the life of the newly installed equipment, thereby saving money in the long run.

While the upfront costs associated with hiring a pro might seem higher compared to the DIY route, when you factor in the convenience and expertise brought to the table, along with the warranty on the work

Key Takeaway: 


While replacing a toilet may seem simple, hiring a professional plumber can save time and prevent unforeseen issues. They bring experience, perform in-depth inspections, provide expert advice on suitable replacements, and handle the heavy lifting. Despite higher upfront costs, their efficiency and expertise offer long-term savings and peace of mind.

FAQs in Relation to How to Replace toilet

What are the steps to replacing a toilet?

The process involves removing the old toilet, cleaning off any residue, inspecting and possibly replacing the flange, installing a new wax ring, and then setting up your new toilet.

Can I replace my toilet myself?

Yes. With proper tools and guidance, most homeowners can successfully undertake DIY toilet replacement projects.

What do you need to know before replacing a toilet?

You should understand why you’re replacing it, and consider different styles available in the market based on space requirements and personal preference. Also, be aware of weight considerations during installation.

How easy is it to change a toilet?

If you have basic DIY skills and follow detailed instructions carefully, changing a toilet can be a relatively straightforward task for most people.


Understanding the need for toilet replacement is crucial. It can be due to wear and tear, cracks, or constant running.

The lifespan of household toilets can stretch into decades with proper maintenance. Yet, internal components may require attention over time.

Shopping for a new toilet involves considering personal preferences, space requirements, and styles available in the market.

Preparing for DIY installation isn’t as daunting as it seems if you have the right tools and knowledge at hand. Even handling weight considerations becomes manageable with some help.

A step-by-step guide makes replacing your toilet an achievable task, from inspecting flanges to laying down wax rings gently.

If DIY still sounds overwhelming, professional help is always there to make things easier without compromising on quality workmanship.

B&L Plumbing provides top-notch plumbing services, including expert guidance on how to replace a toilet. Take charge of your plumbing and let us guide you through the process – visit B&L Plumbing now!